a group picture of individuals at the Tamasok launch event.

Strengthening Women, Peace and Security Systems in Jordan .

Jordan: Women Peace and Security Systems Strengthening (Tamasok)

Project Dates: October 2023 - March 2025

This Women, Peace and Security Systems Strengthening programme, also known as Tamasok, is a one-and-a-half-year long programme working to enhance the participation of women rights organisations (WROs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) in Jordan.

The key aim of Tamasok is to ensure that CSOs/WROs working on the women peace and security agenda in Jordan and contributing to the Jordanian National Action Plan (JONAP) are more resilient and capable of fulfilling their role as “accountability stakeholders” within their communities. This in turn should help improve the engagement between communities, the CSOs/WROs who represent them at the local and national level, and security actors, making security services more inclusive and responsive to the needs of women, girls and other excluded groups.

The programme is being implemented by Chemonics UK and Generations For Peace.

Project Goals

  • Strengthen the resilience and capacity of CSOs and WROs delivering activities in line with JONAP II, cushioning CSOs/WROs from the ‘projectisation’ of the civil society space by providing flexible funding combined with access to technical advice, expertise, and other resources to help them to deliver on their own mandates and take forward their own priorities.
  • Strengthen relationships, collaboration, and coordination between WROs and CSOs working on the WPS agenda in Jordan and beyond.
  • Build the evidence of ‘what works’ in supporting a more resilient civil society on WPS.

This programme is funded by UK international development from the UK government.