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Headshot of Saeed Uri

Senior Vice President for Impact Saeed Uri

Saeed Uri is Chemonics’ senior vice president for impact. He has more than fifteen years of experience managing development projects, including more than ten years in complex, high-speed, and challenging positions in fragile or transitional environments such as Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Sudan, and Libya. While leading Chemonics’ efforts on adaptive programming in dynamic environments, Saeed also spearheaded the adoption of innovative approaches and technologies to achieve greater impact. In Syria, Saeed led Chemonics’ partnership with the Syria Civil Defense (also known as the White Helmets) to provide emergency response services to millions of civilians. Most recently, Saeed led programming to strengthen community resilience against climate and other sources of instability by working with local partners to increase community involvement in addressing issues. Saeed also has expertise in supporting early recovery and durable returns, and countering disinformation. He holds an M.A. in international peace and conflict resolution and speaks Arabic fluently. 

by Saeed Uri

Development Works Here with Saeed Uri

Meet Saeed Uri! Saeed is Chemonics’ senior vice president for impact, bringing more than ten years of experience in fragile or transitional environments where he spearheaded the adoption of innovative approaches and technologies to achieve greater impact. Most recently, as chief of party on the USAID/OTI Iraq Regional Program, Saeed worked hand-in-hand with local partners…

Leveraging Climate Action to Address Sources of Instability in Iraq

Iraq’s diverse communities once formed a vibrant mosaic where each tile represented a distinct community connected by their shared heritage, culture, and rich history. In more recent history, this mosaic was shattered. Years of war and weak governance eroded trust between communities, leading to extreme fragmentation and division between the different religious and ethnic groups,…

Why Holistic Inclusion Matters for Stabilization Programs

A deep understanding of the gender and social norms, and the complexities influencing stability, is needed to ensure stabilization programming is addressing the right problem, in the right way. This often starts with talking to members of the community and local colleagues, reading reports, and, these days, monitoring social media to track trends. In challenging,…