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Blog Contributor Norma Evans

Norma Evans is the technical director of Evans and Associates Educational Consulting. She has more than 30 years of experience in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Norma provided extensive technical, guidance, research, quality assurance, and mentoring throughout the development process for the first edition of Chemonics’ “Getting to (2+6): A Toolkit for Comprehensive and Responsive Numeracy Programs”.

by Norma Evans

3 Questions with Norma Evans on Chemonics’ Numeracy Toolkit

Chemonics’ recently published toolkit, Getting to (2+6): A Toolkit for Responsive Numeracy Programs, is a resource designed to help educators implement programs that enhance student’s ability to use, interpret, and communicate mathematical information.  As co-author of the toolkit, Norma Evans explains the guiding principles behind it and how it can lead to better outcomes for students…