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A professional headshot of Kirk Ramer.

Chief of Party, USAID Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) Kirk Ramer

Kirk Ramer has over 25 years of experience managing projects to promote agricultural and small-and medium-sized enterprise development in southeastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. He is currently the chief of party of the Rural Competitiveness and Resilience Activity (RCRA) in Moldova. Kirk has worked to promote trade and investment and improve business education, microfinance, and business development services. He has extensive experience supporting refugee and internally displaced person integration and managing complex projects in conflict and post-conflict environments. Previously, he served as the chief of party of the Agribusiness Development Activity (ADA) in Uzbekistan, Agriculture and Rural Development Support (ARDS) project in Ukraine, Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Water Activity (TAWA), and New Economic Opportunities (NEO) Initiative in Georgia. Kirk holds an I.M.B.A. in international business from the University of South Carolina and B.A. in Russian from Swarthmore College.