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A professional headshot of David Fratt.

Senior Director, Environment and Natural Resources, Asia Region David Fratt

David Fratt is a senior director with more than 25 years of experience working in environment and natural resource management in Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the United States. During this time he has worked with various clients, including USAID, regional development banks, national and local governments, and the private sector. His current work focuses on sustainable management of terrestrial and marine resources and biodiversity conservation, within a framework for climate resilient and low emissions development. These projects incorporate data-driven conservation planning and management, community co-management and livelihoods, market-driven approaches, and a range of long-term financing options. He has also directed projects addressing agriculture and food security, the urban environment, infrastructure development, and tourism, and has served as resident chief of party for projects in Indonesia, Egypt, the West Bank, and Armenia.