People in DRC receiving bed nets.

Trinômes to Binômes: Optimizing Community Health Resources to Achieve Universal ITN Coverage in the DRC

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Health | Malaria

This post originally appeared in The Frontline Health Workers Coalition.

Despite having limited resources, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continues its fight against malaria through the widespread distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs). However, finding efficiencies and reducing the cost of each campaign is paramount. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), the Chemonics-led USAID End Malaria Project, and the DRC National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), a significant milestone has been reached: the transition from a team of three community health workers (CHWs), or a trinôme, to a team of two, a binôme, for mass ITN distribution campaigns. This strategic shift signals a groundbreaking achievement, yielding 30% cost savings on both human resources and training costs for each campaign. Read more here.

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Jeanine Musau

Jeanine Musau, M.D. is a public health practitioner and malaria expert with more than fifteen years of experience, including nine years working as a malaria specialist on USAID-funded projects, and six years at the National Malaria Control Program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). She is currently the Project Director of the USAID-funded End…

Mulamuli (Mula) Mpofu

Dr. Mulamuli (Mula) Mpofu is a Senior Director of Chemonics’ Global Health Programs. He has more than 20 years of experience in public health with extensive research, strategic information/monitoring and evaluation, health systems strengthening, and business development experience across malaria, HIV, and TB disciplines. Prior to joining Chemonics, he supported projects in East and Southern…

Clara Harb

Clara Harb is a program manager on the Chemonics-implemented USAID End Malaria Project. Previously, she served as a fellow with the American Journal of Public Health and as an AmeriCorps Member researching food insecurity while building resource capacity as a Community Health Worker in Cleveland, Ohio. She has also conducted epidemiological research related to malaria in…