Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development

This fact sheet details Chemonics’ work to support entrepreneurship and enterprise development. Using a facilitative approach, we partner with local businesses and service providers to improve market linkages, foster innovation, develop products, increase access to new or improved inputs, and identify market opportunities.

Business Enabling Environment

This fact sheet details Chemonics’ work in fostering business enabling environments. Our approach focuses on reducing risk, lowering the costs of doing business, and building pro-investment climates. We help broker partnerships between government counterparts and the private sector to advocate for streamlined business procedures, greater competition, and more efficient tax and customs processes.

Blended Finance Technical Briefs Primer

The blended finance technical briefs provide tactical guidance and practical use cases for a variety of sectors, which will serve as a reference point for development practitioners interested in leveraging blended finance approaches in project design and delivery and improving the quality of engagement with the private sector. This primer includes a brief overview of how…

Case Study: Climate Smart Agriculture

Youth entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector can provide direct career opportunities for young innovators while also promoting a cascade of positive economic outcomes for other young people along the agricultural value chain and reducing the carbon footprint of food production.

USAID Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit

This toolkit, developed by Chemonics for USAID, provides individuals assessing, designing, and managing security sector reform (SSR) programs with a roadmap for incorporating gender considerations. It includes an introduction to the relationship between SSR and gender, presentation of key gender issues within the sector, and practical how-to steps for integrating gender analysis and considerations into…

USAID Solicitation and Use of Political Economy Analysis by Contractors

This report is a retrospective analysis of the implementation of political economy analyses (PEAs) solicited by USAID to assess whether PEAs are an effective tool to increase the impact of development programs. PEAs are commonly used within thinking and working politically (TWP) approaches, which seek to significantly improve development impact by understanding and responding to…

Women Professionals in Francophone Africa’s Health Supply Chains

For the third consecutive year, the Global Health Supply Chain Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order (GHSC-TA Francophone TO) was honored to celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science by hosting “Women Professionals in Francophone Africa’s Health Supply Chains,” a panel of industry professionals from Francophone Africa, which took place on February 10th, 2023.…

Chemonics at CIES 2023

The theme for this year’s event was “improving education for a more equitable world”, and we shared our work on education in conflict and crisis, social and emotional learning, data- and technology-driven approaches to positive youth development, and the intersection of youth, climate action, and workforce development. Our education experts presented during the following sessions:…

USAID’s End Malaria Project

USAID’s End Malaria Project supports the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to achieve and sustain its goal of universal coverage of ITNs through mass and school-based distribution campaigns in targeted provinces as determined by the NMCP and the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). The project will strengthen the…

USAID Senegal Building a Resilient Health System

The United States Agency of International Development (USAID) Senegal Building a Resilient Health System (BRHS) activity supports the Government of Senegal (GOS) and its Ministry of Health and Social Action (MSAS) to make meaningful and sustainable improvements to its country’s health system. The first of three components under USAID’s “Improving Health Status and Human Capital…

Mozambique Integrated Malaria Program

The Mozambique Integrated Malaria Program (IMaP) is a five-year USAID-funded project implemented by Chemonics International that will contribute to reducing malaria mortality, morbidity, and parasitemia in four high malaria burden provinces (Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Tete, and Zambézia). IMaP will achieve this goal through three objectives: Support the implementation of proven malaria interventions at community and…