During the Trauma-Informed Approaches in Development Summit, we launched our Trauma-Informed Approaches Toolkit, while also showcasing trauma-informed programming in action. The summit included a panel discussion on Trauma-Informed Approaches in Action: Creating Trauma-Informed Spaces within Communities, featuring practitioners and experts from USAID’s Inclusive Development Hub, Heartland Alliance International, Chemonics’ safeguarding initiative, and two Chemonics UK-implemented…
The USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA) partners with the Government of Ukraine (GoU), the private sector, and civil society to increase the resilience of Ukraine’s democracy through innovative communications initiatives that engage Ukrainians in a conversation about the country’s democratic transformation and European integration.
Chemonics UK hosted a hybrid event on 5 December 2023 at our offices in London and online via Teams Live Events. This event convened international development and humanitarian partners, donors, practitioners, and researchers to explore current and emerging technology, data, and evidence-based approaches for informing emergency responses globally. The event explored examples of where technology,…
Private sector engagement in public health supply chains increases market competitivity, improves efficiency and allows for cost reduction, while enabling ministries of health to focus on their core competencies and become stewards of their supply chain operations. This paper, published in the Henry Stewart Publications Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics & Procurement, highlights best…
Briefing Paper – Climate Finance for a Just Transition: A Forum on Blended Finance and Catalytic Strategies While still falling short of the $3.5 trillion annual investment needed to reach a net-zero future, global climate finance is accelerating and has more than doubled over the past decade. Yet ensuring this capital flows to the most…
In malaria-endemic countries, timely and accurate malaria diagnosis is essential for effective case management. To strengthen laboratory services and malaria diagnosis, the Mozambique Integrated Malaria Program (IMaP), a five-year USAID-funded project led by Chemonics International Inc., implemented a variety of capacity building activities.
In malaria-endemic countries, fever is by far the most common reason for visits to health facilities. In Mozambique, malaria remains the most important public health problem. In collaboration with Mozambique’s National Malaria Control Program and its other development and technical partners, Chemonics International led the USAID Integrated Malaria Program (IMaP). The program worked at the…
Limited use of data for decision-making has been one of the barriers to reducing malaria morbidity, mortality, and parasitemia in Mozambique. The USAID Mozambique Integrated Malaria Program (IMaP) has bolstered the capacity of provincial and district stakeholders and improved data quality, data use, facility supervision, and malaria outcomes.
The Rule of Law Summit convened a global network of Rule of Law practitioners, donors, implementers, and thought leaders who shared concrete and transferable learning on current trends and practices in people-centered justice approaches to inform the implementation and impact of USAID’s Rule of Law programs. Reflecting USAID Administrator Samantha Power’s call for “progress beyond…
Chemonics UK and the Impact Investing Institute hosted a hybrid event on 1 November 2023 at Chemonics UK’s offices in London and online via Teams Live Events. Achieving a global transition to net zero, and doing so in a way that is fair and inclusive, requires a re-thinking of the global financial structure. Among the…
This case study explores how the Iraq Regional Program II (IRP) is promoting partners’ open reporting of challenges and failures by building trust, establishing collaborative learning platforms, and adopting techniques to be culturally appropriate. The study provides actionable recommendations on promoting transparent communication, relationship building, and contextualized programming to enhance stabilization outcomes.
These reports, produced by USAID’s Investment Facilitation Activity in the DRC (USAID Invest, or the Activity), provide an overview of the cocoa and coffee sectors in the DRC. The reports highlight production trends, challenges, and opportunities. They profile relevant sector stakeholders across the value chains, including existing cocoa and coffee farmer cooperatives, traders, processors, exporters,…