World Water Week 2022

During this session our panel of experts presented an overview of prevailing groundwater development and management challenges in the South African Development Community (SADC) region and discussed interventions for groundwater governance through improvement of policy, legal and institutional frameworks, effective groundwater knowledge management, and mainstreaming groundwater governance into River Basin Organizations.      The USAID…

Electromobility and Net-Zero Buildings in Mexico

During the webinar on Electromobility: The Future of Transportation That’s Already Present in Mexico, panelists discussed opportunities in the area of zero-emissions transportation and the feasibility of electrifying transport in Mexico, particularly bus transportation systems as well as taxis and delivery vehicles. During the webinar on Net Zero Buildings: The Future of Construction That’s Already…

Final Report: Lecture Pour Tous

The five-year Lecture Pour Tous program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and completed in December 2021, made marked improvements in early grade reading outcomes in Senegal. The initiative directly supported reform efforts led by the Ministry of Education (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, or MEN) to use evidence-based approaches, including national…

Final Report: Soma Umenye

Soma Umenye targeted all children in grades P1-P3 attending public and government-aided schools nationwide to ensure that at least 70 percent of these students could read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. USAID Soma Umenye helped: Create and distribute an essential core of Grade 1-3 teaching and learning materials Provide professional development to Grade 1-3…

Advancing Inclusive Development

Chemonics invests in people, systems, and practices to facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices in inclusive development. With a dedicated Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Technical Practice — a 200-member community of practice of development professionals and a network of more than 70 technical specialists embedded in projects around the world —…

Final Report: Supporting Moderate Education in Syria Project

Following six months of interventions in Northeast Syria (NES), known as Injaz I, this follow-on project sought to address five years of psychosocial trauma and severely limited foundational learning in NES caused by primary and secondary exposure to ISIS ideology. With the closure of secular schools under ISIS, many children and youth were left susceptible…

Webinar: Addressing Data Governance for Locally-Led Health Supply Chains

Led by moderator Simon Cole, GHSC-PSM Distribution Center Logistics Director, the panelists explored data stakeholders in local supply chains as they discussed data ownership, data sharing, and the challenges to obtaining good data in low- and middle-income countries. The session shed light on master data and data harmonization efforts in different country contexts, including efforts…

Final Report: Libya Transition Initiative 3

From May 2017 to February 2022, LTI 3 sought to prevent further deterioration in political and security conditions in Libya while preserving as much space as possible for eventual political compromise, unified civilian leadership, reconciliation, and positive political transition. The program worked in strategic communities where stability is most fragile while seizing windows of opportunity…

Final Report: Haiti Justice Sector Strengthening Program

Haiti needed a functional justice system for its citizens to emancipate economic development and lift Haiti out of extreme poverty To do so, JSSP used strategies with various stakeholders to adopt a modernized Haitian penal procedural code, replacing the outdated 1835 version. Legislations to accompany the code, such as the laws on prosecutors, and the…

Final Report: USAID/OTI Burkina Faso Regional Program

BFRP leveraged its $9.5 million transition activities pool (TAP) to implement 220 activities supporting locally led solutions to address the most pressing sources of instability in the program’s target communities. BFRP awarded grants to 114 partners consisting of local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, and host-country government offices. BFRP cleared its first activity in October…