Final Report: Governance Strengthening Project (GSP/TAQADUM)

GSP/Taqadum made advances in building the capacity of provincial governments to plan and deliver services with the participation of their constituents. Designed to transfer knowledge and strategies through innovative standardized systems and effective methodologies, the project worked side-by-side with provincial leaders and their staff to develop a unique and wide-ranging set of tools. The transfer…

Final Report: Pakistan FIRMS Project

The USAID Pakistan FIRMS Project, implemented by Chemonics, strove to enhance the competitiveness of the small and medium-sized firms that represent 90 percent all enterprises, employ an estimated 80 percent of the non-agricultural labor force, and account for approximately 40 percent of GDP. FIRMS provided enterprise-level assistance, worked to improve the business enabling environment, and…

Final Report: Biodiversity-Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Program

The work that BioREDD+ produced in the Colombian Pacific region was designed to achieve USAID’s development objective to strengthen Colombia’s efforts to sustainably manage the country’s environmental resources, by addressing climate change, biodiversity conservation, and environmental governance objectives. The BioREDD+ climate change component focused on mitigation and preparing Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities along Colombia’s Pacific…

Final Report: Peru Forestry Project

The signing of the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) in 2006 revealed a need to reduce Peru’s illegal logging rates. To accomplish this, USAID’s Environmental Management and Forest Governance Support Activity, also known as Peru Bosques (“Forests” in English) project supports several objectives 1) to help the Peruvian government improve its institutions, forestry regulations,…

Motivation and Retention of Health Workers in Ministry of Health Facilities in Jordan

The Jordan Ministry of Health’s Strategic Plan 2013-2017 lists both attracting new talent into the public health system and retaining staff as two of its biggest challenges. Because about 3.78 million people in Jordan — including refugees and marginalized populations — rely on services provided by the ministry, a full, committed staff is critical. In…

Final Report: Trade Facilitation Project

From June 2008 to August 2013, the principal objective of the USAID West Bank/Gaza Trade Facilitation Project was to facilitate the flow of goods and people in a manner that satisfied the principles and benchmarks of the 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access. At the start of the project, TFP focused on three key components,…

Final Report: Improved Cooking Technology Program (Recho Paw): Building the Foundations for Charcoal Consumption Reduction in Haiti

The $8.7-million program began in February 2012 in response to Haiti’s excessive charcoal production and consumption, and the resultant environmental impact, such as extensive deforestation, watershed destruction, and increased vulnerability to flooding, mudslides, and soil erosion. ICTP aimed at four intermediate results. The program worked to expand a local market for improved household biomass cookstoves; reduce charcoal consumption; strengthen the legal and…

Final Report: Southern African Regional Environmental Program

Between June 26, 2010, and December 17, 2016, Chemonics International implemented the Southern African Regional Environmental Program (SAREP) and provided technical support to the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission to enable it to meet elements of the objectives in its strategic action plan (SAP), while responding to other related needs in areas adjacent to…