Final Report: Tunisia Fiscal Reform for a Strong Tunisia

Recognized as the starting point of the Arab Spring movement, Tunisia’s 2011 revolution spurred unprecedented political and social transformation. This report highlights how USAID’s Fiscal Reform for a Strong Tunisia (FIRST) activity provided technical assistance and capacity building to the Tunisian Ministry of Finance, so that its fiscal institutions were positioned for sustainable growth following…

Distance Continuous Professional Development: What Have We Learned from Education Program Pivots?

The Basic Education Coalition (BEC) and Chemonics hosted a for a pause and reflect session on March 9, during which panelists from five USAID-supported early grade learning programs discussed their experiences designing, implementing, and evaluating distance continuous professional development initiatives in Senegal, Malawi, Nigeria, and the Philippines. Featured Speakers Bidemi Carrol, Senior Research Education Analyst,…

Final Report: Feed the Future Mali Climate Change Adaptation Activity

The Mali Climate Change Adaptation Activity (MCAA) built resilience to climate change by helping individuals, households, organizations, and the government of Mali adapt to shocks and stresses that come with climate change. The final report covers MCCAA’s project impact towards its key objectives, as and discusses the project’s gender and youth inclusion work, security environment…

The Politics of Peacebuilding: Engaging Elites to Resolve Conflict

The event examined how informal power drives conflict through the lens of “Elite Bargains and Political Deals” theory. By exploring the new approach’s potential, the presenters sketched a roadmap for engaging often elusive power brokers in peacebuilding programming. Panelists, drawn from across academia and implementation, discussed how “Elite Bargains and Political Deals” theory sheds new…

ACCELERE!1 Interactive Radio Lessons

The ACCELERE!1 project is a joint USAID and UKAID initiative. It aims to support the objectives of the Congolese government through the education and training sector strategy, particularly in improving access, quality and governance, and it aims to improve the educational results of boys and girls in the 26 educational sub-divisions of the 9 targeted…

Final Report: Georgia Human and Institutional Capacity Development 2020 Activity

This final report describes the accomplishments of the Human and Institutional Capacity Development 2020 Activity. HICD 2020 was designed to assist USAID/Georgia in addressing its partner organizations’ administrative limitations and performance gaps that impeded the effective implementation of all key reforms, including those related to the European Union Association Agreement, the Open Government Action Plan,…

Virtual Event Strategy Guide

This document serves as a practical guide to those engaged in combatting wildlife crime across Southern Africa and beyond, on how to continue to work collaboratively in virtual events, despite continued restricted mobility and limited in-person gatherings. The guide was prepared by the USAID Combating Wildlife Crime Southern Africa program.

Final Report: Support to Four State Assemblies in Somalia

The Somalia Stability Fund launched the Support to Four State Assemblies in Somalia (Gole-Kaab) project in 2018 to support the state assemblies of Jubbaland, South West State, Hirshabelle, Galmudug, and Puntland. The project improved legislative processes, increased oversight on the executive branch, strengthened relations between members of parliament (MPs) and constituents, established effective secretariats, increased…

Final Report: USAID Southern Africa Regional Environmental Program

Between June 2010 and December 2016, the USAID Southern Africa Regional Environmental Program (SAREP) provided technical support to the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission to enable it to meet elements of the objectives in its strategic action plan, while responding to other related needs in areas adjacent to the basin. From the onset, SAREP…

Elite Bargains and Political Deals Toolkit

The free, open-access toolkit provides organizations a step-by-step guide to plan and run a two-to-four-day workshop on applying “Elite Bargains and Political Deals” (EBPD) theory in community-level conflicts. The workshop explains foundational EBPD concepts and helps local organizations translate theory into practical peace and stabilization activities. Peacebuilding and stabilization efforts must consider informal power structures…

Final Report: Honduras Quality Reading Materials Activity

USAID’s Quality Reading Materials Activity (QRMA) aimed to make a difference by supporting the GOH’s efforts for students and teachers to have access to a reliable, efficient, and sustained provision of quality teaching learning materials. This access supported other education improvement actions and was key to achieving better education service delivery and learning outcomes in…