Final Report: USAID Quality Reading Program–Time to Read

Between October 2016 and March 2021, the USAID Quality Reading Program–Time to Read (TTR) made substantial progress in improving the early grade reading environment in the Kyrgyz Republic. TTR worked hand-in-hand with the Kyrgyz Ministry of Education and Science to improve literacy outcomes through a comprehensive program targeting primary grade students, teachers, school directors, librarians,…

USAID Investment Facilitation Activity in the DRC Fact Sheet

USAID’s Investment Facilitation Activity in the DRC (USAID Invest) is a five-year program that aims at fostering private investments into the DRC by operating as an investment facilitation platform, providing support to businesses and investors. The Activity seeks to mobilize $100 million in private capital to the DRC between March 2021 and February 2026. Reach…

Final Report: Guatemala Youth and Gender Justice Project

Since 2016, USAID/Guatemala’s Youth and Gender Justice Project (YGJP) has focused on strengthening the government’s and civil society’s capacity to provide justice and related services to juvenile offenders, victims of gender-based violence (GBV), and victims of trafficking in persons (TIP). This final report examines and presents highlighted results, lessons learned, and key recommendations from the…

Innovation → Accelerating Progress Toward the SDGs

Innovation. Beyond its value as a buzzword, what does it mean for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? Like those of the past, today’s challenges – climate change, global health security, sociopolitical unrest – demand innovative solutions. As development professionals, how do we adopt the mindset needed to foster innovative thinking? What lessons can we learn…

Final Report: E-PESO Activity

From to March 2015 to February 2021, the E-PESO Activity worked to help accelerate the transition of the Philippine economy from cash/checks to digital payments. This report discuss the rapid, widespread adoption of e-payments in the country and how it was achieved through partnering with the Government of the Philippines and the private sector. This…

Applying the Innovation Adoption Measurement Approach

This brief describes how projects in Mali and Haiti applied of the Innovation Adoption Measurement Approach, developed by Chemonics expert Dr. Tom Fattori, to support adaptive management on resilience-focused projects. This approach takes the findings from an innovation adoption assessment and identifies specific and actionable recommendations for targeting and improving the adoption of practices that…

Resilience Programming in Support of Reforestation: Emerging Lessons from Haiti

This brief focuses on three key lessons learned — the importance of social capital for resilience, leveraging social capital to establish community buy-in, and linking resilience activities to specific shocks. The USAID Reforestation project team applied this learning to implement a refined reforestation approach, which may be relevant to other projects incorporating components of resilience-building,…

Applying Blended Finance to Support the Conversion to Clean Cooking

Haiti’s trees and environment are the country’s natural capital. However, increasing population, migration to urban areas, worsening poverty, and lack of coherent national agricultural or energy policy has accelerated deforestation, severely limiting livelihood options for Haitian farmers. Increasingly, farmers depend on producing charcoal to rapidly growing urban areas to make ends meet, but inhaling smoke…

White Paper: Private Sector Engagement to Advance and Sustain Health Supply Chain Resiliency

This paper provides an overview of the key benefits and challenges of private sector engagement (PSE) in health supply chains, describes a supply chain maturity framework to inform PSE approaches in different country contexts, and provides an assessment tool to help understand the nuances and implications of a country’s political economy and stability, market capacity,…