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Megan Nelson headshot in color. Megan sports a long bob which grazes her grey round neck tee.

Managing Director, Supply Chain Division Megan Nelson

Megan Nelson is a global health and project management professional with over 20 years of experience designing, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating initiatives in health, supply chains, and environmental sectors in Africa. Currently serving as the managing director for the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management project, Megan dedicates her career to enhancing community health through strategic program design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and capacity building. Megan has also worked on HIV, family planning and conservation initiatives as well as strategies for country programs and proposals. She previously served as Senior Advisor for the Health Practice and the director of the Kenya Pharma project, which focused on strengthening HIV/AIDS commodity supply chains. Megan holds an MPH in health behavior from the University of North Carolina and a master’s degree and bachelor’s degree in zoology from Brigham Young University.