Beyond Indicators: Why We Need Qualitative Monitoring

This week at the American Evaluation Association’s 2015 Conference, Chemonics presents findings from several of our recent projects, including Zambia Communications Support for Health (CSH), Palestinian Authority Capacity Enhancement (PACE), and Philippines Private Sector Mobilization for Family Health (PRISM) 2. These presentations represent how critical evaluation is to gathering the needed evidence to demonstrate the…

Promoting Peace at the Municipal Level

This post was originally published by the Alliance for Peacebuilding and is cross-posted with permission. Chemonics is honored to be an Alliance for Peacebuilding member organization. In Kosovo, one of the biggest sources of instability is inter-ethnic hostility between majority and minority populations. Although years of tensions cannot be erased overnight, helping local communities have meaningful…

Reflection on APHA 2015: Preparing Health Systems for Policy Change

The theme of this year’s American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, hosted in Chicago, was “Health in All Policies” (HiAP). This theme emphasized the need for policymakers in all sectors to recognize that environments where we live, work, and attend school have serious implications on health outcomes. Julián Castro, the U.S. Secretary of Housing…

Where’s the Impact? Measuring Results on Countering Violent Extremism Programs

On September 29, more than 100 countries and representatives of civil society attended the Leaders’ Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism at the UN General Assembly to further the global discussion about the importance of combating violent extremism (CVE) around the world. The meeting was preceded by the White House Summit to Counter Violent…

New Research on Engaging the U.S. Indian Diaspora in Impact Investing

The World Bank predicts that India will receive $70 billion in remittances from its diaspora around the world in 2015. In absolute terms, this is the largest volume of remittances of any country in the world (followed by China, the Philippines, Mexico, and Nigeria). It is also more than six times USAID’s entire budget request…

Connecting Social Entrepreneurs to Impact Investors

A $350 billion gap sits squarely between today’s reality and the potential of impact investing. Why is it so difficult for investors to identify the right opportunities that achieve both social change and a return on capital? How can the development community serve as the intermediary between social entrepreneurs who provide essential services and the…

What Have We Learned About Engaging Diasporas?

Globally, the number of people living outside their country of origin has almost tripled — from 76 million to 232 million — over the past 45 years. For many who leave their homes, starting a new life in search of refuge, employment, education, or other factors does not mean disregarding their heritage or the family…

Safe Love: Breaking Taboos About Sex in Zambia

Can social and behavior change communications (SBCC) actually influence people’s behavior in the real world? The results of USAID’s “Safe Love” HIV Prevention Campaign in Zambia suggest that they can, even when it comes to taboo subjects like sex. The campaign’s outcome evaluation also underscores the power of good storytelling that resonates with real people…

Making Job Matching Technology Work for Unemployed Youth

With global youth unemployment on the rise in nearly every region of the world, we as development practitioners are scrambling to find and scale solutions that quickly improve the employment outlook for youth. From a growing list of potential workforce development and placement tools, online job matching platforms have emerged as relatively simple and cost-effective…

Chemonics Mourns the Loss of Julia Naegele

In late September, we were saddened to learn that Julia Naegele, who had worked with Chemonics since 2012, was killed in a car accident in South Sudan. Julia was an inspiration to many of us at Chemonics, and we mourn her deeply. Her death is a terrible loss to our team and to her family.…

Making Political Will Less of a Mystery

As the old saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” But in anti-corruption programming, it can be difficult to tell whether there is political will for change in the first place. How can you tell? What should you do if you discover, as is often the case, that there is not much will…

Why Customs Processes Matter to Moldova

As a landlocked country of about 3.6 million, nestled between European Union (EU)-member Romania and Ukraine, Moldova has struggled economically. Since gaining its independence in 1991, Moldova’s gross domestic product (GDP) has actually declined from Soviet-era levels. Part of the reason is that the government has hampered Moldovan export sales with prohibitive customs requirements that…