Chemonics International Inc. implements the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Chain Management (GHSC- PSM) project in Zambia, under USAID Prime Contract No. AID‐OAA‐I‐15‐00004, Task Order Nos: AID‐OAA‐TO‐15‐00007, AID‐OAA‐TO‐15‐00009, AID‐OAA‐TO‐15‐00010, AID‐OAA‐TO‐16‐00018.

The Global Health Supply Chain Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) Project is a USAID program implemented by Chemonics International in Zambia. The goal of the GHSC-PSM project is to procure and provide health commodities for all USAID health programs, including but not limited to, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Family Planning, and tuberculosis, as well as provide systems strengthening technical assistance to improve supply chain management and commodity distribution in Zambia.

This linked RFI is issued to solicit information pertaining LLIN Warehousing & Distribution services for the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program, Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project in Zambia.

The authorized USAID geographic code for this RFI is Code 935.

Chronological List of Proposal Events. Offerors must strictly follow these deadlines

Deadline for Written Questions: 1 December 2022 by 17:00 pm Zambian time (CAT)
RFI submission Due: 8 December 2022 by 17:00 pm Zambian time (CAT)

Offerors shall submit their responses electronically only, via e-mail at the following address: A maximum of 3 attachments (5 MB limit) compatible with MX Word, MS Excel, readable format, or Adobe Portable Document (PDF) format in a Microsoft XP environment.

Offerors must not submit zipped files.

Chemonics Contact Information

To: Segolene d’Herlincourt                                                                                                                                     Subject:  RFI-PSM-ZMB-W&D FOR LLINS-2023                                                                                                              The Project: GHSC-PSM Zambia                                                                                                                                      The e-mail:


Annex 01 – NDA-RFI-WD and EPOD

RFI Addendum