POTENCIAR, the Pillar 1 of the Transparency and Accountability for Inclusive Development in Mozambique, an FCDO-funded program implemented by Chemonics International, has released an ITT to solicit proposals to conduct an external evaluation of the program. The purpose of the evaluation will be to assess the effectiveness of the POTENCIAR model in contributing to expected outcomes and impacts in improving human development, and increasing government transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to citizens demands. Further information on the program and the scope of the evaluation can be found in the Terms of Reference within the ITT document.
Interested applicants should send the following to moz-psu-potenciar@chemonics.com by January 20, 2023, and be available for follow-up questions and/or an interview during the week of January 23 and January 30, 2023:
- CVs of key team members (3-page maximum per CV)
- Brief (3-page maximum) concept note including:
- Relevant prior experiences
- Approach to the proposed evaluation
- Relevant methodological questions or considerations for this evaluation
- Delivery schedule
- One example of relevant previous work
- Proposed budget including details of team members’ daily rates and number of proposed days.
Final selection and contracting will take place during February.