We’re thrilled to welcome Dana Tilson! Dana is the Global Project Director for the Chemonics-led Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage project and a public health professional with more than two decades of experience. In this short interview, Dana shares more about her background, her views on engaging the private sector to improve health services, and…
Drug revolving funds (DRFs) are a financing mechanism used in healthcare to improve access to essential drugs and medicines. The primary goal of a DRF is to ensure a steady supply of quality medications and to prevent stockouts or shortages in public health facilities, such as hospitals and health centers. The fund starts with an…
Local ownership, especially in fragile, conflict-affected, and non-permissive environments, is critical. So how can development donors and implementing partners bolster partner-driven strategies for sustainable development and meaningful change? Participants included both local and D.C.-based NGOs, community-based organizations, thought leaders, research and policy institutes, local governments, advocacy groups, and implementing partners who have moved the needle in the…
A market development approach (MDA) can be highly valuable in international development efforts, especially in the context of improving economic growth, poverty reduction, and sustainable development in low- and middle-income countries. With USAID’s flagship private sector health project Frontier Health Markets (FHM) Engage, Chemonics is excited to see how this approach can strengthen health markets…
1. What are the greatest challenges related to logistics and supply chain management in Nigeria, particularly as they relate to HIV/AIDS commodity transportation and delivery? Before 2012, the government-implemented Nigeria HIV program operated more than 18 parallel supply chains, which were ineffective and resulted in stockouts and expiries. The unification of these supply chains commenced…
Shrinking donor budgets, renewed calls for localization, and countries’ desire to move away from donor dependence require new ways of approaching development. This resource details initiatives and projects that illustrate the efforts and achievements of Chemonics in the private sector engagement space.
1. Tell us about yourself! What made you want to work in the health supply chain sector on malaria? I come from a highly marginalized community in Benue State, Nigeria, and I have always had a passion for children and the less privileged, seeking ways to improve livelihoods since childhood. Consequently, in 1987, I started…
1. What drew you to work in health supply chains? I started out working in supply chain projects in the National Health Service here in the United Kingdom and did that for two years before getting opportunities to work on projects overseas. I’ve now been working in health supply chains in low- and middle-income countries…
The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Advancing Universal Health Coverage (AUHC) Activity is a five-year, research and development project designed to transform the Surjer Hashi Network (SHN)—formerly known as Smiling Sun—into a sustainable, gender-sensitive, and pro-poor social enterprise aiming to provide quality and affordable health services for the population of Bangladesh.
The Chemonics-implemented USAID Advancing Universal Health Coverage (AUHC) activity and the Surjer Hashi Network (SHN), recently organized a special event to celebrate the tremendous contribution of women leaders in Bangladesh’s health sector and the critical role they play to inspire women across communities. At the “Women Rise” event on March 14, these leaders participated in…
As we all experienced, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed fragilities within global supply chains, including the public health supply chains of the more than 70 countries supported by USAID. Consequently, the Chemonics-led USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project—of which I am part—had to confront new challenges including paused manufacturing of essential…
This action brief was prepared for the World Health Organization Fifth Global Forum on Human Resources for Health. Civil society organizations and wider networks led and co-developed a series of three action briefs to frame discussions on the advocacy agenda. The civil society action briefs are linked to each of the three Fifth Global Forum…