Conflict narratives in fragile states are often framed by identity groups or other non-state actors along ideological or ethno-sectarian lines to achieve political ends. But in many instances, the main grievances of populations in affected communities are centered around basic dignity and livelihoods. Non-state actors, including violent extremists, often try to capitalize on these grievances…
Afghanistan stands on the brink of a historic peace deal with the Taliban. However, with a peace deal comes the prospect of incorporating the Taliban into the formal structures of governance. And with a unified government, questions emerge about the impact of such governance on women’s rights. Over the past 20 years, the United States…
Recently, Chemonics partnered with the University of Notre Dame (one of the partners in the creation of USAID’s Private Sector Engagement Evidence Gap Map) to conduct an in-depth survey of our development programs. The goal was to better understand how our projects are working with the private sector to achieve development impact — and, more…
News: Chemonics and University of Notre Dame Tackle Global Development Challenges in New Partnership
Chemonics International is excited to announce its collaboration with the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs as a global partner in the school’s Integration Lab (i-Lab), a core component of the university’s Master of Global Affairs degree program. Through the i-Lab, the university pairs small student teams with global development partners and…