The Western Balkans Rule of Law Initiative (WBROLI)

Project Dates: December 2021 - March 2025
The Western Balkans Rule of Law Initiative (WBROLI) is a multi-country rule of law programme funded by the UK Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) and is delivered in close coordination with the UK Home Office, PAGS and UK embassies across the Western Balkans.

WBROLI prioritises criminal justice, including transparency & accountability of institutions, with the overall aim of combatting serious and organised crime (SOC), limiting illicit financial flows and money laundering and reducing corruption.


  • Conducted case flow analysis in three countries to identify challenges limiting the criminal justice system’s ability to combat SOC and corruption, co-created recommendations and delivery plans for improvements with national stakeholders.
  • Building public trust in institutions through communications mentorship and engagement with media and civil society.
  • Challenging attitudes and behaviours towards sexual and gender-based violence, in Montenegro, through trauma informed approaches to investigations working with Police,
    Prosecutors and Judges.
  • Delivery of needs-based capacity-building and technical support, tailored to institutions at the country-level (mentorships, advisory support, peer-to-peer support, classroom type trainings), that is grounded in the practicalities of their work and needs.
  • Assessment of gaps in formal and informal relationships between stakeholders and delivery of bilateral & regional relationship building.
  • Delivery in partnership with judicial and prosecutorial training academies to ensure sustainability.

This programme is funded by UK international development from the UK government.