The Jordan Economic Reform Activity Task Order 1 (ERA TO1) , implemented by Chemonics International is soliciting offers from companies and organizations to submit proposals to participate with USAID ERA to carry out a thorough economic impact assessment for maintaining restrictions on FDI in the wholesale, retail and distribution sector in Jordan. Under Component 2.2., ERA TO1 supports Anchor Firms using a market demand approach to collaboratively develop tailored and targeted assistance to help maximize the firm’s growth. ERA works closely with each Anchor Firm to co-develop an intervention plan, through a buyer-led approach (BLA), that identifies and prioritizes barriers to growth and sets out a clear plan to address these constraints. A food sector anchor firm applied to ERA TO1’s APS requesting technical assistance to support their expansion plan in the U.S. market. For the past three years, the firm has been accessing the U.S. market through exporting to a local U.S. distributor that sells to major retailers such as Sysco, 711, HyVee, Albertsons and others. The Anchor Firm is interested in establishing a subsidiary in the U.S. for the purpose of growing exports to the U.S. markets and increasing their profit margins.
The applicable NAICS codes for this RFP are 561499, 311911, 311999, 445110. The authorized USAID geographic code for this RFP is code 937.
Contact for a copy of the Request for Proposal(RFP) documentation. Please reference the above identified RFP number(RFP-005) when requesting the RFP. Telephone request will not be honored. The deadline for offers in response to this RFP is 5:00PM ET on May 3, 2023.