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Headshot of Garron Hansen

Senior Vice President of the West and Central Africa, and Haiti Business Unit Garron Hansen

Garron Hansen brings 20 years of international experience, including 15 years implementing both donor and U.S. Government-funded programs in Africa and Haiti. In his previous role as the senior global practice lead for the agriculture & food security practice, Garron has forged strategic partnerships and expanded Chemonics’ portfolio of projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. He has also stepped in to serve as acting project management unit director for the USAID-funded DRC Invest activity and Mali Climate Change Adaptation activity. Prior to joining Chemonics, Garron was embedded in the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture to provide support and oversight on strategic priorities and operations. As a strategy program officer for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he managed a $187 million portfolio of 17 investments by providing oversight of investees and grantees and offering strategic advice on implementation. Garron holds an M.B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in foreign affairs, Sub-Saharan Africa from the University of Virginia. He is a native English speaker and is professionally fluent in French.

by Garron Hansen

The War in Ukraine and the Future of Global Food Security

This post originally appeared in the Council of International Development Companies’  (CIDC) Thought Leadership Compendium.  Hunger and food insecurity have steadily worsened throughout the last decade. Climate change — with its cascading effects on crop production and land viability —has exacerbated global food insecurity, and in recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to key agricultural…