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Headshot of Dzenita Korac

Senior Vice President, Risk, Finance, and Compliance Division Dzenita Korac

Dzenita Korac is an international development professional with more than 20 years of experience implementing donor-funded projects with a focus on post-conflict countries. Since joining Chemonics in 2003, Dzenita has served in a dozen long-term and short-term roles on projects in Europe, Asia, and Africa and led high-profile corporate initiatives. As senior vice president of Chemonics’ Risk, Finance, and Compliance (RFC) Division, she leads the support division and utilizes her proven track record in mitigating risk in complex operating environments, deep knowledge of USAID regulations and contracting requirements, and global workforce perspective. Most recently, she served as senior director of the Strategic Assessment Team within the Operations, Finance, and Compliance Division, where she applied her cross-cutting experience in project management, finance, compliance, ethics, and operations to support Chemonics’ efforts for continual improvement and excellence in all areas of operations. She has also served as deputy chief of party on the Governance Accountability Project-Phase II in Bosnia, Office of Business Conduct director, and managing director of the Country Operations Optimization Program in Afghanistan. Dzenita holds an M.B.A. degree from International Burch University, B&H and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Sarajevo.

by Dzenita Korac

Development Works Here with Dzenita Kolja

We’d like you to meet Dzenita Kolja! Dzenita serves as managing director of the Audit Preparedness Unit within Chemonics’ Global Health Supply Chain Office. Once an aid beneficiary herself, she shares her development journey from Bosnia to the U.S. and what draws her to this work. Dzenita is one reason #DevelopmentWorksHere. 1. Can you tell…